Episodes & ShowNotes

Bug recounts a recent nightmare where she finds herself on an unusual career path as a clown detective. While investigating a rundown shack, she discovers that a clown of extraordinary proportions is chasing her. Fortunately, her quick thinking and impeccable hygiene, as always, she is able to calm the familiar jester. | Episode 134 Full […]

Clown Detective Dream

Dream Snippet

Zoe, a newly engaged dreamer, recounts a harrowing nightmare: she’s trapped within the confines of a flooded building, battling not only for her survival but also grappling with the heart-wrenching sight of her shattered engagement ring crumbling from her finger. Amidst the rising waters and the palpable sense of dread, Zoe’s tries to save the […]

Engagement Ring Dream

Dream Snippet

In Dante’s recollection of a surreal dream, he becomes the recipient of an extraordinary package. Inside, alongside tempting candies, he discovers miniature games adorned with tiny amphibians. This unusual combination sparks Dante’s intrigue wondering if he can claim checkmate. | Episode 127 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/purse-speakeasy-dreaming-with-dissociative-identity-disorder/

Tiny Frog Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a dream straight out of a gaming fantasy, where she becomes immersed in the world of Genshin. Amidst the immersive landscapes and vibrant characters, she finds herself endowed with extraordinary abilities to manipulate both fire and water, a power that ignites intrigue and possibility. However, her moment of discovery is overshadowed by a […]

Elemental Superpower Dream

Dream Snippet

Lars unveils a riveting dream on the show, a prophetic narrative foretelling a series of apocalyptic disasters – from dictators to earthquakes, asteroids, droughts, and tsunamis. The chilling imagery prompts a soul-searching question: Is there any hope for humanity in the face of such ominous predictions? | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

End of the World Dictator Dream

Dream Snippet

Geri unfolds a captivating pregnancy dream on the podcast, transporting herself to a tranquil Mexican beach. To her astonishment, Geri experiences the onset of labor amidst this serene backdrop. However, the real shock comes when she gives birth to an unexpected and delicate newborn, leaving her with a myriad of questions about how to care […]

Bread Baby Dream

Dream Snippet

Lou captivates the podcast audience with an intriguing dream that commences with the joyous celebration of a Lakers championship victory. However, a comical hot dog mishap quickly spirals into a perilous entanglement with the Mexican Cartel. Lou captivates the podcast audience with an intriguing dream that commences with the joyous celebration of a Lakers championship […]

Mexican Cartel Hot Dog Dream

Dream Snippet