Episodes & ShowNotes

Bec submits a dream to the podcast that begins with an innocent family game night. However, the evening takes a dark turn when a strange and unwelcome figure from her torturous past appears as her game partner, filling her with a sense of dread and unease. The familiar comfort of family is overshadowed by the […]

Family Game Night Dream

Dream Snippet

Lisa writes into a podcast about a surreal and disturbing dream she had. In the dream, she was looking forward to a fun night out with friends. However, the evening took a bizarre turn when she suddenly became magnetized. Pins and small metal objects began attaching themselves to the inside of her mouth, turning a […]

Magnetized Pins Dream

Dream Snippet

Mia recalls a dream from an adult high school trip to an amusement park, where she unexpectedly stumbles upon a delicious secret. Excitedly sharing her find with friends, they all enjoy a pleasantly buzzed time, savoring the unexpected delight together. | Episode 137 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/

Wine Rock Dream

Dream Snippet

Ben shares a dream that profoundly challenges his lifestyle. As a committed vegan, he is shocked to find himself not only preparing but also craving a meat dish. However, this isn’t your typical beef, chicken, or pork. This dish is something far more unsettling, pushing the boundaries of comfort for everyone. | Episode 136 Full […]

Vegan Eating Meat Dream

Dream Snippet

Gwyneth recalls a chilling dream where a disguised family member lulls her into a false sense of security. Trusting them, she drops her guard, only to be viciously attacked in a brutal and deadly manner, shattering her sense of safety and trust. | Episode 135 Content Warning: Violence Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-mama-episode-sleep-stories-in-the-news/

Stabbing Dream

Dream Snippet

Leslie writes into the podcast to share a dream where she feels a deep sense of zen and calm until she notices skeletons pursuing her. Initially terrified, she musters the courage to face her fears, only to discover that the once-frightening skeletons are nothing more than fragile pieces of paper. | Episode 135 Full Episode […]

Paper Skeletons Dreams

Dream Snippet

Host Mindy shares a harrowing nightmare where a typically joyful day at the waterpark takes a dark turn as the U.S. is suddenly invaded by Russia. Amid the chaos, her beloved husband Marc finds himself in the deadly line of fire for breaking a rule, turning their day of fun into a desperate fight for […]

Waterpark Execution Dream

Dream Snippet

Bug recounts a recent nightmare where she finds herself on an unusual career path as a clown detective. While investigating a rundown shack, she discovers that a clown of extraordinary proportions is chasing her. Fortunately, her quick thinking and impeccable hygiene, as always, she is able to calm the familiar jester. | Episode 134 Full […]

Clown Detective Dream

Dream Snippet

In an anonymous dream, the dreamer experiences a surreal and unsettling ordeal as their body begins to fragment and crumble, seemingly falling apart at the seams. Amidst the chaos of rearrangement and loss, a surprising solace emerges—finding solace and pleasure in the simple act of self-love within their morphed and ever-changing form. | Episode130 Content […]

Self Love Dream

Dream Types

Zoe, a newly engaged dreamer, recounts a harrowing nightmare: she’s trapped within the confines of a flooded building, battling not only for her survival but also grappling with the heart-wrenching sight of her shattered engagement ring crumbling from her finger. Amidst the rising waters and the palpable sense of dread, Zoe’s tries to save the […]

Engagement Ring Dream

Dream Snippet

Jen recounts a deeply unsettling and stomach-churning dream, in which her husband commits a brazen act of theft by snatching a hamburger from outside a hospital. Despite their greedy indulgence in the pilfered burger, their enjoyment quickly turns to horror upon discovering that it’s not made of beef, but something far more repulsive. As instant […]

Stolen Burger Dream

Dream Snippet

In Dante’s recollection of a surreal dream, he becomes the recipient of an extraordinary package. Inside, alongside tempting candies, he discovers miniature games adorned with tiny amphibians. This unusual combination sparks Dante’s intrigue wondering if he can claim checkmate. | Episode 127 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/purse-speakeasy-dreaming-with-dissociative-identity-disorder/

Tiny Frog Dream

Dream Snippet