Episodes & ShowNotes

Ben shares a dream that profoundly challenges his lifestyle. As a committed vegan, he is shocked to find himself not only preparing but also craving a meat dish. However, this isn’t your typical beef, chicken, or pork. This dish is something far more unsettling, pushing the boundaries of comfort for everyone. | Episode 136 Full […]

Vegan Eating Meat Dream

Dream Snippet

In an anonymous dream divulged with a hint of allure, Johnny Depp takes center stage in an unexpected setting—a bubble bath nestled within the confines of a warehouse. Despite the surreal backdrop of dancing ballerinas, Johnny’s unwavering gaze remains fixed upon the dreamer, creating an enchanting and mesmerizing atmosphere. | Episode130 Content Warning: Sexually Explicit […]

Johnny Depp Bubble Bath Dream

Dream Snippet

Williams shares a dream in which he leaps between bathrooms, transitioning from an intimate single-occupancy space to a vast, expansive wide open warehouse restroom on the loading dock. Yet, in each setting, he struggles to find the privacy he needs to attend to his affairs. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Warehouse Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet