Episodes & ShowNotes

Kenny shares a haunting dream with the show where his father makes a ghostly visitation, calling his name just beyond the reaches of his sight. In the dream, his father’s presence feels eerily real, yet comforting, as if trying to convey a message from another realm. The atmosphere is surreal along a path, adding to […]

Dad’s Voice Dream

Dream Snippet

Masie vividly recounts a recent dream, where a chilling vision unfolds before her eyes: the devil himself prowling the streets of her town, imposing his malevolent presence with a disturbing nonchalance. In a surreal twist, she observes the sinister figure seamlessly blending his nefarious deeds with the mundane routine of a morning jog, showcasing a […]

Jogging Bully Devil Dream

Dream Snippet

Hayden recounted a dream in which her curiosity unveiled a labyrinth of tunnels within her attic. As she maneuvered through the challenges in search of her crush, she faced an unexpected twist, ending up crushed by her own emotions. | Episode 96 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/printer-exorcism-birthday-madlibs/

Snooping House Maze Dream

Dream Snippet