Episodes & ShowNotes

In Kara’s dream, she wanders through a grand mansion surrounded by friendly mascots. But when she encounters a volatile old man, the atmosphere darkens, and glitchy shadows begin to chase her. With her fluffy friends offering helpful advice, Kara races through the mansion, unraveling the dream’s mysteries as she tries to escape the looming threat. […]

Mascot Mansion Dream

Dream Snippet

Macy recounts a dream that unfolds within the serene setting of a charming church picnic gathering. As the dream progresses, however, the tranquil atmosphere takes a dramatic and unexpected turn. Macy finds herself wandering into a perplexing labyrinth, where the once joyous occasion transforms into a disconcerting nightmare. To her astonishment, she stumbles upon her […]

Grave Robbing Husband Dream

Dream Snippet