Sebastian shares a captivating dream on the podcast, a dream that initially unfolds as a perfect beach day with his beloved dad and brothers. Yet, as dreams often do, the scenario takes an unexpected turn, transforming the tranquil seaside setting into an impromptu surgical unit. Despite the unforeseen twist, they seize the opportunity to make […]
Jenny’s dream begins on a harrowing note as she and her family discover themselves marooned on a nightmarish island rife with a history of murder and torture, a grim fate that’s haunted generations of her relatives. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as Jenny stumbles upon the revelation that her uncle has access to a […]
Geri unfolds a captivating pregnancy dream on the podcast, transporting herself to a tranquil Mexican beach. To her astonishment, Geri experiences the onset of labor amidst this serene backdrop. However, the real shock comes when she gives birth to an unexpected and delicate newborn, leaving her with a myriad of questions about how to care […]
McKenzie describes a poignant dream of a sun-soaked beach day with friends, which abruptly shifts when a sinister figure with a knife appears. As fear and tension mount, a looming question arises: amidst this sudden peril, who will have the last laugh on what began as a perfect beach day? | Episode 101 Full Episode […]
Jodi shares a recurring dream that’s recently captivated her nights. She’s transported to an eagerly awaited beach day, complete with a vibrant beach ball. Amidst the simple joys of playing, a sudden gust of wind sweeps the ball into the sky, vanishing from sight. This turn of events leaves Jodi weighed down by profound sadness […]