Gracie recounts a recent dream where she’s frantically rushing through an airport—a relatable scene, until it turns nightmarish as she’s fleeing from a weapon-wielding psychopath! Thankfully, her brother swoops in at the last second, saving the day in true bad-ass fashion. | Episode 151 Full Episode Link –
Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]
An anonymous dreamer unveils a haunting narrative on the podcast, describing a dream where they find themselves immersed in the Thanksgiving meal preparations. However, the dream takes a sinister turn when the dreamer’s sister becomes an unrelenting source of disturbance, ultimately leading to a moment of overwhelming frustration that results in her tragic demise. Riddled […]