Episodes & ShowNotes

Joanna opens up about a heartening dream during a night when she was feeling somewhat defeated. In this uplifting reverie, she finds solace and joy in nurturing her plants, an unexpected source of comfort. To her surprise, the plants reciprocate her care by enveloping her in a warm and tender embrace, creating a dreamworld where […]

Plant Hug Dream

Dream Snippet

Anonymous has shared a vivid dream in which the dreamer, accompanied by a group of friends, goes shopping at a dress barn. However, as they exit, the serene sky transforms into darkness, unleashing a sudden tornado. In a surprising turn of events, the dreamer’s ex-boyfriend emerges as the unexpected hero, swooping in to rescue her […]

Tornado Dream

Dream Snippet

Macy recounts a dream that unfolds within the serene setting of a charming church picnic gathering. As the dream progresses, however, the tranquil atmosphere takes a dramatic and unexpected turn. Macy finds herself wandering into a perplexing labyrinth, where the once joyous occasion transforms into a disconcerting nightmare. To her astonishment, she stumbles upon her […]

Grave Robbing Husband Dream

Dream Snippet