Episodes & ShowNotes

Samantha shares a haunting dream on the podcast where she becomes a younger version of herself, happily playing at the park. The scene takes a dark turn when she notices her mom crying and ambulances nearby, only to realize that she is the one they’re mourning over. | Episode 145 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/tag-team-of-death-butterfly-people-of-joplin/

Paranormal Death Dream

Dream Snippet

Amanda shares a captivating glimpse into the nocturnal escapades of her son, weaving tales that oscillate between humorous and slightly unnerving. From night terrors that startle camping neighbors, prompting bewildered awakenings under the stars, to the surreal spectacle of her son sleepwalking right out of a hotel room, Amanda’s anecdotes paint a vivid picture of […]

Hotel Sleepwalking Sleep Story

Dream Snippet

Greg recounts a tale that blurs the lines between dream and reality. Convinced that the events of his dream had transpired in the waking world, he finds himself reaching out to a friend with an urgent inquiry regarding a nocturnal pet supposedly for sale. | Episode 123 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/multi-animal-animal-nightmare-folklore/

Owl Dream

Dream Snippet

Gracie recounts a painful dream where she finds herself in a defensive stance against a brilliantly intense white light. In a moment of heightened tension, she winds up to throw a punch, only to wake up and realize that her actions in the dream have translated into actual physical pain in real life, blurring the […]

Throwing Punches Dream Story

Dream Snippet

Katherine unfolds a remarkable premonition dream recounted by her young daughter. The dream, centered around grocery store citrus, astonishes as it morphs into reality during a routine visit to the local supermarket. The seemingly innocuous dream gains uncanny significance when a twist of fate reveals an unexpected ordering mix-up at the store, a revelation that […]

Lemon Premonition Dream

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Tyra shares a riveting tale on the podcast, delving into a childhood dream that stands out for its extraordinary shared nature. Tyra’s dream with her being kidnapped. While that exact same night her mother, from a parallel vantage point, realizes her daughter has been kidnapped. She desperately searches to reunite with her missing daughter. The […]

Shared Desert Cave Dream

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Ziam recounts a chilling real-life sleep paralysis experience, narrating the struggle of being immobilized in his slumber. Despite employing all the familiar techniques that have worked in the past to rouse himself, he remains ensnared in a state of paralysis. The tension intensifies as Ziam, trapped in his immobile state, hears a sudden crash, accompanied […]

Broken Ankle Sleep Paralysis Story

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Nicole sends an email to the podcast, regaling us with the comical tales of her late-night gab sessions with her sleep-talking boyfriend. In this nocturnal world of whimsy, the conversations range from the surreal—like cutting down imaginary trees—to the downright amusing, with responses to phantom feline phone calls. It leaves us charmed and entertained by […]

Cut Down Trees Sleep Talking Story

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Cody, with a mix of embarrassment and humor, reminisces about a peculiar middle school sleepwalking episode. In which his overnight fight with his bedsheets follows him to school the next day leaving him bewildered and red in the face. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Middle School Sleep Walking Embarrassment

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