Episodes & ShowNotes

Jon recounts a gruesome dream where a vacation with his parents turns horrifying. Looking in the mirror, he sees his eye infected and his entire face peeling away. Despite the horrifying sight, his mom remains unconcerned and dismisses the terrifying disease as nothing serious. | Episode 140 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Eye Infection Dream

Dream Snippet

Greg shares a vividly unpleasant dream that leaves everyone feeling queasy. In the dream, he is struggling to change the dirty diapers of newborn twins—a challenging task on its own. But to make matters worse, the scene is complicated by doggie doo-doo scattered everywhere. The overwhelming combination of smells and messes triggers a strong urge […]

Doo Doo Dream

Dream Snippet

Lisa writes into a podcast about a surreal and disturbing dream she had. In the dream, she was looking forward to a fun night out with friends. However, the evening took a bizarre turn when she suddenly became magnetized. Pins and small metal objects began attaching themselves to the inside of her mouth, turning a […]

Magnetized Pins Dream

Dream Snippet

An anonymous dreamer vividly recounts a nightmare to the podcast: swarms of insects infesting their entire body, their wriggling driving them to the brink of madness, willing to go to any lengths to halt the torment. | Episode 137 Content Warning: Self Harm Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/

Insect Host Infestation Dream

Dream Snippet

Sammi recounts a vivid dream where an unexpected intruder, a wasp, flies into her nose, sparking panic and concern. Desperately trying to extract the insect to prevent permanent brain damage, Sammi’s struggle against the unexpected invader creates a surreal and tense atmosphere in her dream. | Episode 135 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-mama-episode-sleep-stories-in-the-news/

Wasp Dream

Dream Snippet

Morgan shares a dream that begins as a fun birthday celebration with cake. However, when the cake is cut, a horrific, bloody scene unfolds, engulfing the party in chaos and screams. What started as a joyous occasion quickly turns into a nightmare. | Episode 134 Content Warning: Gore Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/long-clown-johnny-sexsomina-parasomnia/

Blood Tears Dream

Dream Snippet

In this anonymous dream, the dreamer inhabits a stunning, alluring body, poised to begin their shift as an exotic dancer. Clad in their favorite g-string and brimming with anticipation to rake in the cash, their excitement is dampened when patrons of the strip club recoil from the dreamer’s putrid odor, casting a shadow over what […]

Stinky Stripper Dream

Dream Snippet

Jen recounts a deeply unsettling and stomach-churning dream, in which her husband commits a brazen act of theft by snatching a hamburger from outside a hospital. Despite their greedy indulgence in the pilfered burger, their enjoyment quickly turns to horror upon discovering that it’s not made of beef, but something far more repulsive. As instant […]

Stolen Burger Dream

Dream Snippet

Sebastian shares a captivating dream on the podcast, a dream that initially unfolds as a perfect beach day with his beloved dad and brothers. Yet, as dreams often do, the scenario takes an unexpected turn, transforming the tranquil seaside setting into an impromptu surgical unit. Despite the unforeseen twist, they seize the opportunity to make […]

Phalloplasty Dream

Dream Snippet

Dean divulges a surreal dream to the podcast, recounting a bizarre moment when, parched and reaching for relief, he grabs a peculiarly labeled water bottle. To his astonishment, as he twists the cap, the label sharpens into focus, revealing an unexpected clarity, while simultaneously, the sensation of unhatched eggs lingering in his mouth intensifies, leaving […]

Bad Water Dream

Dream Snippet

McKenzie shares a riveting dream in which she finds herself trapped in an underground structure, grappling with a troublesome tooth ailment. As her teeth begin to loosen, McKenzie encounters a mysterious voodoo practitioner who offers assistance with promises of relief. However, instead of finding solace, McKenzie discovers that the voodoo lady’s intervention exacerbates her predicament, […]

Pencil Teeth Dream

Dream Snippet

Emma recounts a recurring dream to Mindy and Brooke, eliciting fits of laughter. In the dream, as Emma gazes at her hands, she discovers an unexpected and comically absurd issue—unsightly hair growth problems. | Episode 117 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-nailzilian-wax-cuddle-sanctuaries-for-coping-with-nightmares/

Nail Pubes Dream

Dream Snippet