Joey finds himself plunged into a dream where he encounters a younger version of himself, poised for a family dinner in a peculiar setting—a hotel room, adorned with sheep-like figures adorning the doorways. Yet, the strange atmosphere is compounded by his mother’s erratic behavior; she consumes everyone’s food, her actions tinged with an unsettling uneasiness. […]
Laurel shares a deeply unsettling recurring dream on the podcast, one that has haunted her for much of her life. In the dream, she sees a little blonde girl sitting in a high-chair, a scene that fills her with a sense of unease every time she experiences it. But the true twist comes when Laurel […]
MaryLyn shares a captivating dream experience with the podcast, involving a unique shared dream among herself, her mother, and her oldest child. In this dream, a colossal elephant becomes an unexpected pursuer as they navigate the confines of a house. Each desperately attempts to escape, racing up a winding staircase. However, the dream takes a […]
Tyra shares a riveting tale on the podcast, delving into a childhood dream that stands out for its extraordinary shared nature. Tyra’s dream with her being kidnapped. While that exact same night her mother, from a parallel vantage point, realizes her daughter has been kidnapped. She desperately searches to reunite with her missing daughter. The […]
Arham drifts into a dream, finding himself amidst the enchanting whispers of a serene forest. Unexpectedly, he encounters an acquaintance he’s secretly admired from afar. The air between them crackles with an undeniable energy. However, the dream’s mysteries deepen when he awakens to discover that she, too, dreamt the very same encounter. Could this shared […]