Angel shares a captivating dream where an intriguing first date unfolds in a dimly lit restaurant, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. However, when the lights suddenly illuminate the room, Angel’s anticipation turns to shock as he discovers a scene that instantly curbs his appetite: a flash mob of nude individuals surrounds him, gyrating […]
Kate recounts a surreal dream that starts with the unsettling experience of sleep paralysis and unwelcome ear blowing. Despite this discomfort, Kate decides to draw the line at ear licking and takes action to rid her bedroom of the intrusive presence. In a whimsical turn, she employs a unique method known only to Rick Astley […]
Gloria recounts a shared dream to her captivated audience, vividly describing a tranquil afternoon spent with her mother, shattered by the abrupt arrival of an unwelcome visitor at their doorstep. Rather than succumbing to fear and fleeing, Gloria finds herself inexplicably drawn to this mysterious intruder. However, looming over her fascination is the ominous question: […]