Lauren contributes to the dream-sharing session with a gripping narrative, recounting a surreal experience where she is thrust into a tense confrontation. In her dream, she bravely defends a friend from the unsettling advances of a creepy individual, the air thick with tension as punches are exchanged. What sets this encounter apart is the unsettling […]
Kara vividly recalls a dream on the podcast, one that begins innocently enough with the familiar jingle of an ice cream truck echoing through the neighborhood. However, what follows shatters the tranquility as Kara and her sister are overcome by an unsettling sensation. Instead of eagerly anticipating sweet, cold treats, their unease intensifies when a […]
An anonymous dreamer unveils a haunting narrative on the podcast, describing a dream where they find themselves immersed in the Thanksgiving meal preparations. However, the dream takes a sinister turn when the dreamer’s sister becomes an unrelenting source of disturbance, ultimately leading to a moment of overwhelming frustration that results in her tragic demise. Riddled […]