Episodes & ShowNotes

Reta shares a dream where a lunchtime shopping trip turns stressful as she worries about what people at the mall think of her shoes. To her horror, her shoes begin to disintegrate before everyone’s eyes, leaving her with chunky, hole-filled boots embarrassingly attached to her feet. | Episode 141 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/albany-canada-lake-laniers-dreadful-history/

Chunky Boots Dream

Dream Snippet

Mama Fluhr shares a dream about being stood up by her friends, turning a disappointing situation into a relaxing day with a glass of wine. However, as the night progresses, she realizes she may have overindulged. Suddenly, she can’t find her phone for a selfie with a celeb, her keys or her car, and she […]

Lost Keys Lost Car Dream

Dream Snippet

Mya unveils a recurring dream that sends shivers down the spine. In this unsettling nocturnal journey, she awakens to a chilling realization – her body rendered immobile, trapped in the confines of her bed. Surrounding her are four ominous figures, adorned with top hats, lurking ominously in the shadows of her room. | Episode 123 […]

Wet Boots Dream

Dream Snippet

Ivan recounts a dream in which the allure of a spontaneous last-minute camping trip captivates him. Eagerly embracing the idea, he immerses himself in a whirlwind of activity, meticulously packing everything from clothing to plates. Yet, as his fervor for preparation intensifies, the packing list seems to expand endlessly, consuming the entire day. Regrettably, the […]

Never-Ending Packing Dreams

Dream Snippet

Marie opens up on the podcast, recounting a dream that takes her on a self-reflective journey back to her younger days. In this dream realm, she discovers a transformed wardrobe curated by her stepmother—colorful, impeccably organized, and designer-made. However, rather than reveling in joy, Marie finds herself yearning for her beloved goth-style garments. Amidst the […]

New Wardrobe Dream

Dream Snippet

Charlie captivates their audience with a riveting tale of a premonitory dream. What had started as an enjoyable evening of crafting homemade pizzas took a perilous turn the very next day. As the story unfolds, the question looms large: Did Charlie’s dream hold a cryptic warning, desperately trying to communicate a looming threat? | Episode […]

Pizza Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Recently, Jessica has given hints that she might be harboring new, unexpected feelings. In her sleep, she dreams of an acquaintance in a distinctively different, more intimate light. In this dream, he’s not just a familiar face; he’s playfully flirting with her by the computer, their fingers brushing as they type, making her rethink their […]

Secret Crush Dream

Dream Snippet

In Ethan’s dream, he jolts awake inside a shadowy skyscraper prison. The weight of unseen eyes watches, suggesting a sinister social experiment. Driven by instinct and urgency, Ethan’s sole focus becomes escape, even if it means pushing his own interests above all else. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Social Experiment Dream

Dream Snippet

Heather enthusiastically shares a delightful dream with us, painting a whimsical world that feels straight out of a fairy tale. This vibrant realm is filled with cotton candy mustaches, graceful rainbow wearing unicorns, playful games of hide and seek behind candy-colored trees, and spirited, lighthearted tickle battles which leaves everyone smiling. | Episode 97 Full […]

Candyland Dream

Dream Snippet