Episodes & ShowNotes

Mya unveils a recurring dream that sends shivers down the spine. In this unsettling nocturnal journey, she awakens to a chilling realization – her body rendered immobile, trapped in the confines of her bed. Surrounding her are four ominous figures, adorned with top hats, lurking ominously in the shadows of her room. | Episode 123 […]

Wet Boots Dream

Dream Snippet

Ivan recounts a dream in which the allure of a spontaneous last-minute camping trip captivates him. Eagerly embracing the idea, he immerses himself in a whirlwind of activity, meticulously packing everything from clothing to plates. Yet, as his fervor for preparation intensifies, the packing list seems to expand endlessly, consuming the entire day. Regrettably, the […]

Never-Ending Packing Dreams

Dream Snippet

Marie opens up on the podcast, recounting a dream that takes her on a self-reflective journey back to her younger days. In this dream realm, she discovers a transformed wardrobe curated by her stepmother—colorful, impeccably organized, and designer-made. However, rather than reveling in joy, Marie finds herself yearning for her beloved goth-style garments. Amidst the […]

New Wardrobe Dream

Dream Snippet

Charlie captivates their audience with a riveting tale of a premonitory dream. What had started as an enjoyable evening of crafting homemade pizzas took a perilous turn the very next day. As the story unfolds, the question looms large: Did Charlie’s dream hold a cryptic warning, desperately trying to communicate a looming threat? | Episode […]

Pizza Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Recently, Jessica has given hints that she might be harboring new, unexpected feelings. In her sleep, she dreams of an acquaintance in a distinctively different, more intimate light. In this dream, he’s not just a familiar face; he’s playfully flirting with her by the computer, their fingers brushing as they type, making her rethink their […]

Secret Crush Dream

Dream Snippet

In Ethan’s dream, he jolts awake inside a shadowy skyscraper prison. The weight of unseen eyes watches, suggesting a sinister social experiment. Driven by instinct and urgency, Ethan’s sole focus becomes escape, even if it means pushing his own interests above all else. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Social Experiment Dream

Dream Snippet

Heather enthusiastically shares a delightful dream with us, painting a whimsical world that feels straight out of a fairy tale. This vibrant realm is filled with cotton candy mustaches, graceful rainbow wearing unicorns, playful games of hide and seek behind candy-colored trees, and spirited, lighthearted tickle battles which leaves everyone smiling. | Episode 97 Full […]

Candyland Dream

Dream Snippet