Episodes & ShowNotes

Nicole recounts a spine-chilling childhood dream that still sends shivers down her spine. In her haunting recollection, a towering, purple dinosaur extends a seemingly innocent invitation for a hug. However, the facade of friendliness quickly shatters as Nicole realizes the true intent behind the embrace: the monstrous creature seeks to manipulate her into a vulnerable […]

Barney Dream

Dream Snippet

Jason recounts a haunting dream where malevolent children eerily encircle his bedroom. They crawl along the walls, converging towards him. Paralyzed with terror, Mike can only watch as one particularly unsettling child, contorting in uncanny ways, interrogates him, all while eerily inching towards his throat with lethal intent. | Episode 93 Full Episode Link – […]

Creepy Bedroom Kids Dream

Dream Snippet

An anonymous listener bravely divulges a provocative dream on the podcast, recounting a clandestine rendezvous with the embodiment of temptation — none other than Satan himself. In the ethereal landscape of this nocturnal fantasy, the Prince of Darkness takes on a captivating form, standing tall with crimson skin and formidable horns. The dreamer finds themselves […]

Sexy Devil Dream

Dream Snippet