Episodes & ShowNotes

Jennifer recounts a haunting dream where her phone suddenly begins to ring, sending a shiver down her spine. As she glances at the caller ID, her heart sinks—confusion washes over her because the name flashing on the screen belongs to her late mother. The surreal and unsettling moment leaves Jennifer questioning reality: Could this be […]

Mom’s Voice Dream

Dream Snippet

Gloria recounts a shared dream to her captivated audience, vividly describing a tranquil afternoon spent with her mother, shattered by the abrupt arrival of an unwelcome visitor at their doorstep. Rather than succumbing to fear and fleeing, Gloria finds herself inexplicably drawn to this mysterious intruder. However, looming over her fascination is the ominous question: […]

Split-Level House Dream

Dream Snippet

Shawana recounts a disconcerting dream in which detectives solemnly reveal her status as the victim of a relentless stalker who has covertly amassed hundreds of photos of her. The unsettling narrative takes an even more terrifying turn as she finds herself confronted by the perpetrator, their presence uncomfortably close. The dream delves into the chilling […]

Neck Sniffing Serial Killer Dream

Dream Snippet

In Beth’s dream, a medical puzzle unravels as she notices a lump and experiences pain in her side. To her surprise, the absence of her spleen is filled by a feathered companion. A sense of worry creeps in as the bird moves closer to her heart, creating a unique and unsettling connection between the avian […]

Spleen Bird Dream

Dream Snippet

Hana leads us on an exhilarating journey through a dream, immersing herself in a breathtaking firework display alongside her boyfriend. However, the enchantment takes an unexpected turn as paranoia creeps in, revealing their surroundings to be infiltrated by covert agents on a mission to uncover illicit substances. In a daring escape, Hana stumbles upon a […]

Weed Hiding Dream

Dream Snippet