Episodes & ShowNotes

Rosa recounts a dream that whisked her into the enchanting realm of a whimsical physics shop, where she sought glimpses of her future. Yet, her quest for clarity turned awry amidst the chaos of unruly children darting about. Disheartened, she turned to the fortune teller’s supposed wisdom, only to find their prophecies tangled in a […]

Fortune Teller Dream

Dream Snippet

Kevin’s mind replays a chilling vision: a dream where he finds himself ensnared in a sinister government-run reality show. Each moment feels like a brush with death as contestants are ruthlessly culled through twisted games, leaving Kevin scrambling for survival amidst the chaos. His only goal: outlast the brutality long enough to claw his way […]

Government Game Dream

Dream Snippet

Emma recounts a recurring dream to Mindy and Brooke, eliciting fits of laughter. In the dream, as Emma gazes at her hands, she discovers an unexpected and comically absurd issue—unsightly hair growth problems. | Episode 117 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-nailzilian-wax-cuddle-sanctuaries-for-coping-with-nightmares/

Nail Pubes Dream

Dream Snippet

In a recent dream recounted by Alex, he stumbles upon a colossal pie with an unconventional seating arrangement. Amid the peculiar setting, a young child’s tantrum serves as a distraction. Undeterred, Alex succumbs to the allure of the oversized dessert, indulging in the taste of the sweet, life-sized confection. | Episode 114 Full Episode Link […]

Pumpkin Pie Dream

Dream Snippet

Gracie shares a riveting dream on the show, immersing herself in the gripping narrative of an ongoing murder investigation. In her dream, she becomes entangled in the suspenseful plot as she endeavors to aid the detective by going undercover. However, the tension escalates when the shape-shifting killer becomes aware of her involvement, casting a chilling […]

Shapeshifting Killer Dream

Dream Snippet

Meghan unveils a dream that immersed her in a torrent of emotions. In this dream realm, she discovers herself within the confines of a pristine white room, entwined in sheets with a lover who evokes a sense of pure, innocent, and playful connection. The overwhelming happiness she experiences is abruptly shattered when Meghan awakens, only […]

The Perfect Dream

Dream Snippet

A dream submitted anonymously has us intrigued and scratching our heads. It kicks off with a fantastical showdown between trees transforming into bears and cats on motorbikes. Just as the anonymous dreamer manages to escape this surreal battleground, the narrative takes an abrupt twist, placing them on the uproarious set of a slapstick comedy. In […]

Pie in the Face Dream

Dream Snippet

Lisa recounts a haunting dream in which she finds herself entranced by an innocent-looking toddler with blonde hair and a pink dress, but beneath that cherubic facade lies a chilling thirst for blood. Despite Lisa’s desperate attempts to warn those around her about this treacherous toddler, her pleas fall on deaf ears, and no one […]

Blood Thirsty Toddler Chase Dream

Dream Snippet

Nicole recalls a haunting dream from her middle school days, where she’s inexplicably transported to an environment reminiscent of a concentration camp. Surrounded by the anguished cries and clanging of iron bars, she’s presented with a dreadful ultimatum: to take the lives of the oppressed or have her own taken from her. | Episode 93 […]

Human Farm Dream

Dream Snippet

Elizabeth unveils a disconcerting pregnancy dream to the podcast audience. In this surreal scenario, she finds herself in the hushed confines of a church rectory, observing a baby exorcism. As the unsettling ritual unfolds, she is suddenly led upstairs where a foreboding message about her epidural awaits, casting a shadow of apprehension over her pregnancy […]

Rectory Baby Exorcism Dream

Dream Snippet

Franklin experiences a vivid dream where he’s romantically entwined with a captivating punk rock muse. Determined to strengthen their bond, they embark on a shopping spree for edgy black attire at an unconventional boutique. After they browse the racks, a surprise encounter unfolds when a renowned celebrity on a steed gallops by, offering unsolicited yet […]

Punk Rock Girlfriend Dream

Dream Snippet

Patty delves into a dream narrative where she finds herself it’s a table surrounded by a group of unfamiliar faces. As conversations ebb and flow, it becomes unmistakably clear that these strangers are bound by a common and fervent affection for tiny horses. But as she observes more keenly, Patty notices something distinctly unusual about […]

Tiny Horses Dream

Dream Snippet