In Samantha’s eerie dream, she found herself swimming underwater in a pool. As she approached a set of white stairs, she spotted a floating pentagram made entirely of hair. Terrified by the sight of the satanic symbol, she quickly swam away, determined not to touch it, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. | […]
Host Mindy shares a tense dream where she unexpectedly becomes the caregiver of a small child at a school. When an unfit parent arrives to reclaim the child, Mindy feels an overwhelming sense of dread, bracing for the worst. This unsettling dream captures the fear and responsibility of protecting the vulnerable. | Episode 146 Content […]
Chloe reveals a dream where she meets an attractive, tall, tan guy with a sports car, only to find that he’s not what he seems. The encounter takes a dark turn when he suddenly informs her of her impending and immediate death. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link –
Rosa recounts a dream that whisked her into the enchanting realm of a whimsical physics shop, where she sought glimpses of her future. Yet, her quest for clarity turned awry amidst the chaos of unruly children darting about. Disheartened, she turned to the fortune teller’s supposed wisdom, only to find their prophecies tangled in a […]