Episodes & ShowNotes

Emily recounts a haunting recurring dream, where she is consistently enveloped by shattered glass. Despite the assistance of others, each night unfolds with Emily inevitably stepping on the sharp fragments, creating an unsettling and persistent pattern of vulnerability. | Episode 114 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/reverse-bouncer-old-time-sleepy-news-stories/

Broken Glass Dream

Dream Snippet

Larsen unfolds a vivid dream, navigating a surreal realm where he seamlessly transitions from one character to another. He leaps into the shoes of a homeless man, caked in mud, then seamlessly transforms into a town bard crooning about the perils of infection. The dream culminates in a dangerous portrayal of a cave-dwelling couple. This […]

Quantum Leap Dream

Dream Snippet

Roger sends in a chilling nightmare to the show, recounting a terrifying experience where he’s thrust into the heart of Camp Crystal Lake, a notorious setting for horrors, with a chainsaw-wielding maniac hot on his heels. The relentless pursuit leaves Roger drained and on the verge of giving in to the grim realization that escape […]

Camp Crystal Lake Dream

Dream Snippet

Lucas recounts a vivid dream where he found himself on a mystical volcanic island with his classmates. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey, climbing the smoldering peak. As they neared the summit, Lucas faced an unexpected twist of fate. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Volcanic Hike Dream

Dream Snippet

Kelly recounts a vivid dream of visiting a tattoo parlor, eager for some fresh ink. Unexpectedly, her daughter, present at the scene, decides to surprise her with a special design. Blending unique phrases with cherished Disney and cartoon icons, Kelly emerges from the shop bearing not one, but a staggering 17 new tattoos. | Episode […]

Tattoo Catch Phrase Dream

Dream Snippet

Kravis captivates the audience with a thrilling narrative on the podcast, recounting a dream where he assumes the role of the hero. In this dream sequence, he and his friends embark on a daring exploration of a mysterious cave, only to discover a nightmarish reality—the cavern is infested with spiders of varying shapes and sizes, […]

Spider Cave Dream

Dream Snippet