Episodes & ShowNotes

Joshua shares a dream where watching a reality TV show takes a disturbing turn as contestants are required to self-mutilate to win the grand prize. The grotesque and unsettling twist transforms the competition into a nightmare, leaving Joshua deeply shaken. | Episode 139 Content Warning: Self Harm Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Gruesome Reality TV Show Dream

Dream Snippet

Gloria recounts a shared dream to her captivated audience, vividly describing a tranquil afternoon spent with her mother, shattered by the abrupt arrival of an unwelcome visitor at their doorstep. Rather than succumbing to fear and fleeing, Gloria finds herself inexplicably drawn to this mysterious intruder. However, looming over her fascination is the ominous question: […]

Split-Level House Dream

Dream Snippet

Emma recounts a recurring dream to Mindy and Brooke, eliciting fits of laughter. In the dream, as Emma gazes at her hands, she discovers an unexpected and comically absurd issue—unsightly hair growth problems. | Episode 117 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-nailzilian-wax-cuddle-sanctuaries-for-coping-with-nightmares/

Nail Pubes Dream

Dream Snippet

Meghan unveils a dream that immersed her in a torrent of emotions. In this dream realm, she discovers herself within the confines of a pristine white room, entwined in sheets with a lover who evokes a sense of pure, innocent, and playful connection. The overwhelming happiness she experiences is abruptly shattered when Meghan awakens, only […]

The Perfect Dream

Dream Snippet