Richard finds himself in a dreamlike realm, a land cloaked in endless gray. Strange creatures lurk, and gray people stand frozen, seemingly captive. As the eerie silence presses on, Richard wonders—can he free them and escape, or will the gray consume them all? The answer lies within the courage he must summon. | Episode 154 […]
Joshua shares a dream where watching a reality TV show takes a disturbing turn as contestants are required to self-mutilate to win the grand prize. The grotesque and unsettling twist transforms the competition into a nightmare, leaving Joshua deeply shaken. | Episode 139 Content Warning: Self Harm Full Episode Link –
Fran divulges a haunting, recurring dream to the group, recounting the chilling presence of a faceless woman draped in ethereal white. The figure’s striking feature—a lone tooth protruding eerily from her otherwise featureless visage—leaves an unsettling impression on each listener, shrouding them in a collective unease. | Episode 125 Full Episode Link –