Episodes & ShowNotes

Mya unveils a recurring dream that sends shivers down the spine. In this unsettling nocturnal journey, she awakens to a chilling realization – her body rendered immobile, trapped in the confines of her bed. Surrounding her are four ominous figures, adorned with top hats, lurking ominously in the shadows of her room. | Episode 123 […]

Wet Boots Dream

Dream Snippet

In Lizzie’s evocative dream recollection, she finds herself within the confinements of a peculiar pink-tiled room, its sole feature being a solitary drain cover. As her curiosity draws her closer, black spots catch her attention, prompting a closer examination that leaves her visibly taken aback. The surreal narrative unfolds as she attempts to escape, only […]

Wet Bird Dream

Dream Snippet

Jennifer tells of a recent dream in which she discovers herself caught in an endless jog. The tranquility of her run is abruptly shattered as cars swerve off the road, injecting an unexpected element of danger into the scenario, leaving her feeling uneasy. The dream takes an unexpected turn, morphing into a holiday spectacle as […]

Santa 5K Dream

Dream Snippet

Tasha unfolds a vivid dream on the podcast, where her urban apartment life takes a surreal twist as the complex is besieged by malevolent forest demons. A wave of unease sweeps through the tenants, but Tasha’s remarkable gift for diplomacy becomes the beacon of hope, ultimately guiding everyone toward a harmonious resolution. | Episode 93 […]

Apartment Force Field Dream

Dream Snippet