Episodes & ShowNotes

In an anonymous dream, the dreamer experiences a surreal and unsettling ordeal as their body begins to fragment and crumble, seemingly falling apart at the seams. Amidst the chaos of rearrangement and loss, a surprising solace emerges—finding solace and pleasure in the simple act of self-love within their morphed and ever-changing form. | Episode130 Content […]

Self Love Dream

Dream Types

In yet another intriguing dream shared anonymously, the dreamer finds themselves in a bewildering scenario where penises sprout across their body, each assuming diverse shapes and sizes, appearing in the most unexpected and peculiar locations. | Episode130 Content Warning: Sexually Explicit Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/mid-chubbed-up-sex-dreams/

Armpit Penis Dream

Dream Snippet

Cynthia delights the podcast audience with a dream straight out of a Hollywood script, where heartthrob celebrity Ryan Reynolds unexpectedly assumes the role of her baby daddy. In this enchanting dream sequence, Cynthia’s face radiates with affectionate adoration as she gazes upon her newfound family, relishing the simple joys of life as they play together […]

Ryan Reynolds Baby Daddy Dream

Dream Snippet

Joshua unveils a recurring dream on the podcast, narrating the surreal scenario of finding himself atop a rooftop, powerless to defend the innocent against the menacing threat of a flying creature and a malevolent prince. The vivid recounting leaves listeners captivated by the intricate and mysterious world within Joshua’s dreaming mind. | Episode 115 Content […]

Rooftop Hero Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet