Episodes & ShowNotes

Lars unveils a riveting dream on the show, a prophetic narrative foretelling a series of apocalyptic disasters – from dictators to earthquakes, asteroids, droughts, and tsunamis. The chilling imagery prompts a soul-searching question: Is there any hope for humanity in the face of such ominous predictions? | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

End of the World Dictator Dream

Dream Snippet

Marie opens up on the podcast, recounting a dream that takes her on a self-reflective journey back to her younger days. In this dream realm, she discovers a transformed wardrobe curated by her stepmother—colorful, impeccably organized, and designer-made. However, rather than reveling in joy, Marie finds herself yearning for her beloved goth-style garments. Amidst the […]

New Wardrobe Dream

Dream Snippet

Mac recounts a mentally draining dream rife with paranoia, where the ominous presence of government drones encircle his home. In a frenzied rush, he scrambles to secure windows and doors in a desperate attempt to restrict their entry. Oddly, amidst the chaos, his parents appear surprisingly nonchalant about the airborne visitors, adding a perplexing layer […]

Government Drone Dream

Dream Snippet

Lucy’s dream takes an unexpected turn when an unexpected encounter with her father leaves her baffled and bewildered. In this peculiar dream, the 19-year-old is unexpectedly handed legal documents that dictate a change in her name, leaving her feeling a mixture of confusion and sorrow. Determined to make sense of this surreal experience, Lucy seeks […]

Name Change Dream

Dream Snippet

Mary unveils a dream that leaves every listener puzzled and intrigued. In a dystopian world littered with forsaken vehicles, society is starkly divided between the privileged and the destitute. For some, luxurious cars and lavish coffee treats like Starbucks offer a brief escape. Meanwhile, the less fortunate grapple with daily survival, facing the constant menace […]

Car Haves and Have Nots Dream

Dream Snippet

Brooke, the host, opens up about a dream where she’s transported back in time to her high school days. As she strolls through the familiar hallways, a sense of nostalgia washes over her. Her journey takes an unexpected turn when she finds herself standing before the school’s book store, with the desire to purchase a […]

School Supply Shopping Dream

Dream Snippet