Episodes & ShowNotes

Hannah can’t shake a recent dream where strange glowing creatures crawl on the ceiling above her bed, dripping blood onto her sleeping sanctuary. The eerie and disturbing imagery leaves her deeply unsettled, lingering in her thoughts long after waking. | Episode 142 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/chuck-entertainment-cheese-lake-lanier-hauntings-and-tragic-deaths/

Glow Worm Dream


Macy recounts a dream that unfolds within the serene setting of a charming church picnic gathering. As the dream progresses, however, the tranquil atmosphere takes a dramatic and unexpected turn. Macy finds herself wandering into a perplexing labyrinth, where the once joyous occasion transforms into a disconcerting nightmare. To her astonishment, she stumbles upon her […]

Grave Robbing Husband Dream

Dream Snippet

A routine lunch with her father takes an eerie turn for Jackie in a recent dream. Seated al fresco on a pier, an unsettling realization dawns upon them – they are the sole humans in a peculiar gathering of cats. However, these aren’t your ordinary felines; one possesses a distinctive feature that sends a shiver […]

Laser Eyed Pier Cats Dream

Dream Snippet

Meredith is ensnared in a vivid dream where her once-trusted bedroom printer morphs into a monstrous entity, its gears and rollers churning out sheets faster than the eye can see. Can she elude the malevolent machine and its razor-sharp paper edges before it’s too late? | Episode 96 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/printer-exorcism-birthday-madlibs/

Demonic Printer Dream

Dream Snippet