Franklin experiences a vivid dream where he’s romantically entwined with a captivating punk rock muse. Determined to strengthen their bond, they embark on a shopping spree for edgy black attire at an unconventional boutique. After they browse the racks, a surprise encounter unfolds when a renowned celebrity on a steed gallops by, offering unsolicited yet […]
Patty delves into a dream narrative where she finds herself it’s a table surrounded by a group of unfamiliar faces. As conversations ebb and flow, it becomes unmistakably clear that these strangers are bound by a common and fervent affection for tiny horses. But as she observes more keenly, Patty notices something distinctly unusual about […]
Hannah recounts a vivid dream where a shadowy figure, resembling a man, captivates her with a mesmerizing tango and displays of fire-breathing prowess, leaving both her and a nearby horse deeply unnerved. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link –