Episodes & ShowNotes

In Dante’s recollection of a surreal dream, he becomes the recipient of an extraordinary package. Inside, alongside tempting candies, he discovers miniature games adorned with tiny amphibians. This unusual combination sparks Dante’s intrigue wondering if he can claim checkmate. | Episode 127 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/purse-speakeasy-dreaming-with-dissociative-identity-disorder/

Tiny Frog Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kristin’s vivid dream, she unfolds an enchanting scene as she discovers herself amidst an elaborate tea party. As the tea service commences, a moment of intrigue unfolds when a cup containing an extraordinary amphibious tea materializes before her, adorned with a distinctive garnish. The question lingers in the air: Does Kristin possess the daring […]

Frog Tea Dream

Dream Snippet

It’s a scene straight out of a bizarre fantasy world, where she finds herself relentlessly pursued by an unlikely and surreal antagonist: a seemingly harmless frog armed with a full-sized weapon conspicuously strapped to its back. The dream’s surreal and unsettling imagery leaves her both perplexed and profoundly disturbed, as she grapples with its meaning. […]

Weaponized Frog Dream

Dream Snippet

In Sara’s dream, a persistent itch in a sensitive area compels her to consult a doctor. Following the submission of an unusually abundant urine sample for testing, Sara is taken aback and horrified by her own revelation. Despite the nonchalant reactions from her medical staff and boyfriend, Sara remains distinctly uncomfortable with the unexpected turn […]

Itchy Lady Part Dream

Dream Snippet