Episodes & ShowNotes

Joe shares a bizarre dream where a relaxing hangout with friends takes a surreal turn. One by one, his friends begin to morph into various animals right before his eyes, transforming the scene into a whimsical and bewildering game of “who’s who.” | Episode 137 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/

Feline Friend Dream

Dream Snippet

Dave animatedly recounts a dream where his wife bursts into uncontrollable laughter, all thanks to his nocturnal chatter. As the dream unfolds, it becomes clear that Dave has set some whimsical boundaries in their household, humorously drawing the line at pets that range from elephants to cats. | Episode 117 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-nailzilian-wax-cuddle-sanctuaries-for-coping-with-nightmares/

Elephant Cat Dream

Dream Snippet

A routine lunch with her father takes an eerie turn for Jackie in a recent dream. Seated al fresco on a pier, an unsettling realization dawns upon them – they are the sole humans in a peculiar gathering of cats. However, these aren’t your ordinary felines; one possesses a distinctive feature that sends a shiver […]

Laser Eyed Pier Cats Dream

Dream Snippet

A dream submitted anonymously has us intrigued and scratching our heads. It kicks off with a fantastical showdown between trees transforming into bears and cats on motorbikes. Just as the anonymous dreamer manages to escape this surreal battleground, the narrative takes an abrupt twist, placing them on the uproarious set of a slapstick comedy. In […]

Pie in the Face Dream

Dream Snippet