Bug recounts a recent nightmare where she finds herself on an unusual career path as a clown detective. While investigating a rundown shack, she discovers that a clown of extraordinary proportions is chasing her. Fortunately, her quick thinking and impeccable hygiene, as always, she is able to calm the familiar jester. | Episode 134 Full […]
Brandi’s unsettling dream sends shivers down our spines as she recounts witnessing the abduction of a dear friend. Fueled by determination to rescue her companion, Brandi plunges into the depths of her subconscious nightmare, only to stumble upon a far more ominous scheme. An evil farmer lurks in the shadows, orchestrating a sinister plan to […]
In Rachel’s haunting dream narrative, she recounts a chilling experience trapped within a seemingly endless building of unfathomable depths. Each level she descends into reveals a bone-chilling reality – every room is encased in an icy embrace. The eerie twist intensifies as the elevator and stairs, now cloaked in layers of frost, deny her upward […]
A dream submitted anonymously has us intrigued and scratching our heads. It kicks off with a fantastical showdown between trees transforming into bears and cats on motorbikes. Just as the anonymous dreamer manages to escape this surreal battleground, the narrative takes an abrupt twist, placing them on the uproarious set of a slapstick comedy. In […]
An anonymous dream submission arrives from “W,” detailing what initially appears to be an idyllic family vacation aboard a luxurious cruise ship. However, W’s dream takes a horrifying turn when he decides to follow his newfound crush, only to discover that the handsome stranger’s true intentions are to lead him to a clandestine torture infirmary […]
Melissa recounts a haunting dream that jolted her awake, her heart racing. Within the dream, a barren room becomes the backdrop to an eerie encounter. A man, with skin as pale as moonlight, stands at its center. Though an inexplicable pull draws her towards him, Melissa senses deception in his crimson-stained, razor-sharp smile. Yet, his […]
Lacy graces the show with a captivating dream tale. In it, she’s immersed in a vast pool, blissfully unaware of her onlookers. Only later does she realize her audience is none other than the entire fully uniformed Dallas Cowboys football team. | Episode 93 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/secretary-of-sleep-hibernation-facts/