Episodes & ShowNotes

Fred shares a captivating dream experience where he finds himself walking alongside the girl of his dreams in perfect harmony. However, the tranquility is abruptly interrupted as her clothing inexplicably ignites, unveiling a mysterious and enigmatic blueprint beneath, a secret she’s eager to reveal to Fred. Alongside this revelation, a cryptic language unfurls before him, […]

Comfortable Fire Dream

Dream Snippet

Our host, Mindy, unfolds a dream narrative this week. . In this dream, she finds herself inexplicably wandering through a bustling construction site, accompanied by a child who appears out of place amidst the chaos. The child, seemingly unfazed by the danger surrounding them, nonchalantly chews bubble gum as Mindy’s intuition tingles with unease. A […]

Bubble Gum Nails Dream

Dream Snippet

Hana leads us on an exhilarating journey through a dream, immersing herself in a breathtaking firework display alongside her boyfriend. However, the enchantment takes an unexpected turn as paranoia creeps in, revealing their surroundings to be infiltrated by covert agents on a mission to uncover illicit substances. In a daring escape, Hana stumbles upon a […]

Weed Hiding Dream

Dream Snippet