Episodes & ShowNotes

Melissa recounts a comical dream, navigating the mundane aisles of a supermarket only to encounter audacious shoppers pilfering items from her cart. With each pilfered item, her shopping adventure resets, plunging her into an absurd cycle of frustration and hilarity as she strives to complete her task amidst the chaos. | Episode 133 Full Episode […]

Supermarket Thieves Dream

Dream Snippet

Donna’s submission to the show unveils a recurring dream that grips her with an unsettling unease. In her dream, a mysterious stranger invades her home, meticulously preparing it for a sale against her will. Struggling to comprehend this intrusion, Donna grapples with the enigma of why her haven is being invaded by an overbearing real […]

Not Selling Dream

Dream Snippet

Steve excitedly unveils in his dream his latest brainchild—a whimsical invention designed to captivate Renaissance fair attendees with its charm and ingenuity. Confident in its potential to enchant, he envisions a creation that will weave magic into the fabric of the fair, leaving visitors spellbound and eager to experience its wonder firsthand. | Episode 131 […]

New Product Dream

Dream Snippet

Greg recounts a tale that blurs the lines between dream and reality. Convinced that the events of his dream had transpired in the waking world, he finds himself reaching out to a friend with an urgent inquiry regarding a nocturnal pet supposedly for sale. | Episode 123 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/multi-animal-animal-nightmare-folklore/

Owl Dream

Dream Snippet

Vanessa recounts a humorous dream where she stumbles upon an outrageously large carrot. Amused by the absurdity, she decides to capture the moment with a photo, only to have her evidence swiped by her own flesh and blood, leaving her with no proof of her extraordinary discovery. | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

Giant Carrot Dream

Dream Snippet

In a vivid and striking dream, Tiffany vividly recalls her ex-husband nonchalantly dropping off a towering pile of his impulsive buys right at her front door. As she curiously sifts through the unexpected, chaotic clutter, she gradually uncovers several invaluable treasures and hidden gems amidst the overwhelming mess. | Episode 100 Full Episode Link – […]

Truckloads of Junk Dream

Dream Snippet

In a vivid dream, Izzy envisions her distinctively bred kittens capturing the attention of cat aficionado Taylor Swift. Despite their unconventional number of eyes, these kittens become a must-have for Taylor. Undeterred by the price, Taylor is wholeheartedly ready to ensure one of these unique felines finds its way to her home. | Episode 100 […]

Taylor Swift Rare Cat Dream

Dream Snippet