Episodes & ShowNotes

Mama Fluhr shares a dream about being stood up by her friends, turning a disappointing situation into a relaxing day with a glass of wine. However, as the night progresses, she realizes she may have overindulged. Suddenly, she can’t find her phone for a selfie with a celeb, her keys or her car, and she […]

Lost Keys Lost Car Dream

Dream Snippet

Olivia recalls a harrowing dream of being chased by a relentless thief. She dashes through streets, hides in homes and sheds, but every attempt to call 911 fails. Her pursuer continually catches up, leaving her in a constant state of fear and desperation as she tries to escape. | Episode 134 Full Episode Link – […]

911 Dream

Dream Snippet

Tara recounts a vivid dream on the podcast, one where she’s immersed in decorating for a lively party. However, the festive atmosphere abruptly shifts when the delivery guy’s eagerness to attend morphs into unsettling obsession. Tara’s distress deepens as she finds herself alone in her fear, her boyfriend’s indifference to her plea for assistance leaving […]

Unwelcome Delivery Dream

Dream Snippet

Javier submits a dream to the podcast, narrating a surreal scenario where he stands at a literal fork in the road. In this dream sequence, an old school friend serves as his guide, urging him to embark on the beautiful and picturesque path, while the opposing route veers into darkness. The podcast host leaves the […]

Two Roads Dream

Dream Snippet

Lars unveils a riveting dream on the show, a prophetic narrative foretelling a series of apocalyptic disasters – from dictators to earthquakes, asteroids, droughts, and tsunamis. The chilling imagery prompts a soul-searching question: Is there any hope for humanity in the face of such ominous predictions? | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

End of the World Dictator Dream

Dream Snippet