Episodes & ShowNotes

Lisa writes into a podcast about a surreal and disturbing dream she had. In the dream, she was looking forward to a fun night out with friends. However, the evening took a bizarre turn when she suddenly became magnetized. Pins and small metal objects began attaching themselves to the inside of her mouth, turning a […]

Magnetized Pins Dream

Dream Snippet

Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]

Morphing Dog Dream

Dream Snippet

Rowan emails the podcast to share a chilling childhood memory, recounting a recurring dream of haunting proportions where silvery figures converge around his bed, rendering him utterly immobile with fear. | Episode 125 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-gonna-be-bait-grunch-mccurdy-cropsey-and-char-man/

Silvery Figure Dream

Dream Snippet

Ruby recalls a recurring nightmare from her teenage years: inky black hands emerging from her mattress, reaching out to grab her in a grip of terror. This eerie memory still haunts her, a vivid reminder of the chilling depths of the subconscious. | Episode 121 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/penthouse-party/

Mattress Hands Dream

Dream Snippet

Kevin sends an email to the show, detailing a dream that begins with a pleasant jog on a beautiful summer day. In the dream, Kevin experiences the unexpected delight of having a buff and fit dream body. However, the dream takes a curious turn when he realizes that something unusual is happening – he’s leaking […]

Perfect Bod Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kristin’s vivid dream, she unfolds an enchanting scene as she discovers herself amidst an elaborate tea party. As the tea service commences, a moment of intrigue unfolds when a cup containing an extraordinary amphibious tea materializes before her, adorned with a distinctive garnish. The question lingers in the air: Does Kristin possess the daring […]

Frog Tea Dream

Dream Snippet

In a delightful dream, David awakens to a room teeming with vibrant cockatiel birds. The kaleidoscope of colors envelops him, infusing his heart with unparalleled joy and happiness. Overwhelmed by the surreal beauty, he can’t help but contemplate capturing the moment for posterity. Eager to share this whimsical experience, David is determined to document the […]

Cockatiels Dream

Dream Snippet

Jon describes a haunting nightmare where, in a casual moment, a crucial part of his manhood accidentally breaks off. Amidst a panicked reaction, Jon swiftly shifts into action, gathering ice in a desperate attempt for reattachment, blending urgency with a surreal sense of distress. | Episode 90 Content Warning: Adult Content, Sexual Acts, Explicit Language Full […]

Runaway Penis Dream

Dream Snippet

Gabriel recounts a dream reminiscent of Snow White’s classic tale, wherein he courageously bites into a poison apple. To his surprise, rather than succumbing to the expected peril, he discovers he has received a superpower. Gabriel finds his new talents remarkably handy while navigating the enchanting landscapes of an apple orchard. The dream unfolds as […]

Poison Apple Dream

Dream Snippet