Episodes & ShowNotes

Lisa writes into a podcast about a surreal and disturbing dream she had. In the dream, she was looking forward to a fun night out with friends. However, the evening took a bizarre turn when she suddenly became magnetized. Pins and small metal objects began attaching themselves to the inside of her mouth, turning a […]

Magnetized Pins Dream

Dream Snippet

Cleo captivates the audience with her surreal dream, recounting a perplexing scenario where she finds herself on the verge of giving birth, despite her stomach appearing flat and denying any signs of pregnancy. Amidst the confusion, Cleo is surrounded by a chorus of believers—from her family and boyfriend to the medical professionals—insisting on the imminent […]

Flat Stomach Pregnancy Dream

Dream Snippet

In Nicole’s dream, she discovers a profound connection with nature, accompanied by her serpentine companion. Immersed in the intricate workings of the animal kingdom, she diligently endeavors to fathom the minds of the creatures around her. Amidst this surreal journey, she stumbles upon a desolate amusement park, its once vibrant colors now faded and its […]

Nature Sushi Dream

Dream Snippet

On a recent episode, Jon recounts a captivating dream. He’s on a group date at the mall when, unexpectedly, he and his romantic interest escape the bustling crowds to discover a tranquil lakeside setting. Much to Jon’s surprise, she showcases remarkable fishing prowess. But the dream takes an even more unexpected twist when she bursts […]

Opera Singing Fisherwoman Dream

Dream Snippet