Episodes & ShowNotes

An anonymous dreamer unveils a haunting narrative on the podcast, describing a dream where they find themselves immersed in the Thanksgiving meal preparations. However, the dream takes a sinister turn when the dreamer’s sister becomes an unrelenting source of disturbance, ultimately leading to a moment of overwhelming frustration that results in her tragic demise. Riddled […]

Kissing Pope Dream

Dream Snippet

Hannah recounts a vivid dream where a shadowy figure, resembling a man, captivates her with a mesmerizing tango and displays of fire-breathing prowess, leaving both her and a nearby horse deeply unnerved. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Fire Breathing Trickster Dream

Dream Snippet