Ellie recounts a dream where a false awakening leaves her wondering why her boyfriend isn’t next to her. A quick phone call reveals strange middle-of-the-night antics, adding a surreal twist to her unsettling experience. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/
Katelyn, a first-time sharer, recounts a vivid dream where she stumbles upon illicit substances in a bustling nightclub, triggering a frantic escape from pursuing law enforcement officers by skillfully maneuvering through the chaos on grocery carts. Her adrenaline-fueled adventure takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly becomes an heiress, only to find herself ensnared as […]
Gina recounts a haunting dream where her usual pre-dawn run morphs into a chilling chase. An innocent, neighborly wave unexpectedly triggers an intense pursuit by a morning landscaper. As Gina strategizes her escape, the pivotal question emerges: Can she outpace the looming danger? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/
Jonathan shares a prophetic dream he had as a teenager. In it, he was a nurse, weary after a long shift and yearning for the comfort of home. Strange circumstances caused him to linger in the hospital corridors waiting for his cab. What he witnessed next seems to have been a haunting glimpse into the […]