Episodes & ShowNotes

Laurence delves into her dream on the podcast, revealing a vivid portrayal where the strains of real-life stressors infiltrate her subconscious. The dream unfolds amidst a holiday dinner fraught with family drama and heated debates about her parenting skills, leaving Laurence exasperated with her mother. However, in a remarkable turn of events, her resilient 6-year-old […]

Family Dinner Drama Dream

Dream Snippet

Teagan recounts a dream filled with intrigue and surrealism, where billionaire Elon Musk unexpectedly becomes their new neighbor, erecting a lavish home next door. In a twist of fate, Teagan finds themselves invited over for dinner, only to be taken aback by Elon’s casual attitude towards the evening’s dinner plans and his peculiar obsession with […]

A Dream about Elon Musk’s LEGO Obsession

Dream Snippet