Haper unveils a mesmerizing yet unsettling dream on the show, describing a scene of breathtaking beauty that carries an eerie undertone. In her reverie, she finds herself perched atop a towering vantage point, gazing down upon a vast expanse of flowers that sprawl like a vibrant tapestry below. The allure of the scene beckons her, […]
Tadasay recounts a dream of embarking on a short European vacation, filled with the anticipation of catching a flight. The dream, however, takes a challenging turn as she navigates seemingly endless flights of stairs, leaving her fatigued and, to her dismay, missing not just one but both of her flights. The lingering question remains: will […]
In Lizzie’s evocative dream recollection, she finds herself within the confinements of a peculiar pink-tiled room, its sole feature being a solitary drain cover. As her curiosity draws her closer, black spots catch her attention, prompting a closer examination that leaves her visibly taken aback. The surreal narrative unfolds as she attempts to escape, only […]
An anonymous dreamer unveils a haunting narrative on the podcast, describing a dream where they find themselves immersed in the Thanksgiving meal preparations. However, the dream takes a sinister turn when the dreamer’s sister becomes an unrelenting source of disturbance, ultimately leading to a moment of overwhelming frustration that results in her tragic demise. Riddled […]