Tadasay recounts a dream of embarking on a short European vacation, filled with the anticipation of catching a flight. The dream, however, takes a challenging turn as she navigates seemingly endless flights of stairs, leaving her fatigued and, to her dismay, missing not just one but both of her flights. The lingering question remains: will […]
Emily recounts a haunting recurring dream, where she is consistently enveloped by shattered glass. Despite the assistance of others, each night unfolds with Emily inevitably stepping on the sharp fragments, creating an unsettling and persistent pattern of vulnerability. | Episode 114 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/reverse-bouncer-old-time-sleepy-news-stories/
In Lizzie’s evocative dream recollection, she finds herself within the confinements of a peculiar pink-tiled room, its sole feature being a solitary drain cover. As her curiosity draws her closer, black spots catch her attention, prompting a closer examination that leaves her visibly taken aback. The surreal narrative unfolds as she attempts to escape, only […]
Larsen unfolds a vivid dream, navigating a surreal realm where he seamlessly transitions from one character to another. He leaps into the shoes of a homeless man, caked in mud, then seamlessly transforms into a town bard crooning about the perils of infection. The dream culminates in a dangerous portrayal of a cave-dwelling couple. This […]
An anonymous dreamer unveils a haunting narrative on the podcast, describing a dream where they find themselves immersed in the Thanksgiving meal preparations. However, the dream takes a sinister turn when the dreamer’s sister becomes an unrelenting source of disturbance, ultimately leading to a moment of overwhelming frustration that results in her tragic demise. Riddled […]
Laurence delves into her dream on the podcast, revealing a vivid portrayal where the strains of real-life stressors infiltrate her subconscious. The dream unfolds amidst a holiday dinner fraught with family drama and heated debates about her parenting skills, leaving Laurence exasperated with her mother. However, in a remarkable turn of events, her resilient 6-year-old […]
Baelyn shares a disconcerting dream with the podcast, leaving everyone feeling uneasy. Raelyn’s dream places her in a routine checkup, where she receives two unwelcome shots. But the dream takes a surreal twist as she steps outside, only to find herself transformed into a human lightning rod, with a shocking “zap!” that electrifies the scene. […]
Gina recounts a haunting dream where her usual pre-dawn run morphs into a chilling chase. An innocent, neighborly wave unexpectedly triggers an intense pursuit by a morning landscaper. As Gina strategizes her escape, the pivotal question emerges: Can she outpace the looming danger? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/
Kravis captivates the audience with a thrilling narrative on the podcast, recounting a dream where he assumes the role of the hero. In this dream sequence, he and his friends embark on a daring exploration of a mysterious cave, only to discover a nightmarish reality—the cavern is infested with spiders of varying shapes and sizes, […]