Lucy’s dream takes an unexpected turn when an unexpected encounter with her father leaves her baffled and bewildered. In this peculiar dream, the 19-year-old is unexpectedly handed legal documents that dictate a change in her name, leaving her feeling a mixture of confusion and sorrow. Determined to make sense of this surreal experience, Lucy seeks […]
Nicole recalls a haunting dream from her middle school days, where she’s inexplicably transported to an environment reminiscent of a concentration camp. Surrounded by the anguished cries and clanging of iron bars, she’s presented with a dreadful ultimatum: to take the lives of the oppressed or have her own taken from her. | Episode 93 […]
Landen unfolds a star-studded dream, beginning with a routine movie outing that morphs unexpectedly. Intrigued by a trench coat-clad Jeff Goldblum, Landen discovers a clandestine theater, armed with a golden ticket. As he settles into the seemingly vacant auditorium, astonishment strikes when a unique act graces the stage—an acclaimed Texas-born, two-time Academy Award-winning actress, and […]