Episodes & ShowNotes

Devon recounts a particularly vivid dream in which he shockingly discovers he’s missing a finger. Despite the startling nature of the situation, he remains surprisingly unfazed and continues his dream journey with a calm demeanor. | Episode 97 CW: Gore Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Missing Digits Dream

Dream Snippet

Dean recounts an unusual dream where a vital male body part unexpectedly detaches, taking on a life of its own. With swift reflexes, Dean manages to apprehend the wandering appendage, and places it in a common air tight kitchen container, ensuring a prompt and optimistic reunion. | Episode 90 Content Warning: Adult Content, Sexual Acts, Explicit […]

Detached Penis Dream

Dream Snippet