Katelyn, a first-time sharer, recounts a vivid dream where she stumbles upon illicit substances in a bustling nightclub, triggering a frantic escape from pursuing law enforcement officers by skillfully maneuvering through the chaos on grocery carts. Her adrenaline-fueled adventure takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly becomes an heiress, only to find herself ensnared as […]
Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]
Tadasay recounts a dream of embarking on a short European vacation, filled with the anticipation of catching a flight. The dream, however, takes a challenging turn as she navigates seemingly endless flights of stairs, leaving her fatigued and, to her dismay, missing not just one but both of her flights. The lingering question remains: will […]
Laurence delves into her dream on the podcast, revealing a vivid portrayal where the strains of real-life stressors infiltrate her subconscious. The dream unfolds amidst a holiday dinner fraught with family drama and heated debates about her parenting skills, leaving Laurence exasperated with her mother. However, in a remarkable turn of events, her resilient 6-year-old […]
Carly shares a dream in which she immerses herself in a vibrant music festival. What sets this festival apart is its unconventional app, which not only guides attendees to concert schedules, food vendors, and stages but also curiously offers assistance in locating their preferred drug suppliers. However, the dream’s twist comes with a reassuring touch […]
In a vivid recollection, Carter recounts a poignant dream where he’s consumed by the desire for an electric bike. Despite his fervent and persistent pleas to his parents, when they finally concede, destiny plays a cruel hand. A chance encounter with a stray rock on the road unexpectedly catapults him into a harrowing series of […]