Sarah recounts a poignant tale from her time living near the USS Arizona wreckage and memorial in Hawaii. In her recurring dreams, she’s pulled underwater by an unseen force, struggling for breath each time. The haunting imagery leaves her pondering the depths of her subconscious and hauntings of the past. | Episode 134 Full Episode […]
Brandi’s unsettling dream sends shivers down our spines as she recounts witnessing the abduction of a dear friend. Fueled by determination to rescue her companion, Brandi plunges into the depths of her subconscious nightmare, only to stumble upon a far more ominous scheme. An evil farmer lurks in the shadows, orchestrating a sinister plan to […]
Jordan recounts a haunting recurring childhood nightmare triggered by watching the movie ‘Look Who’s Talking.’ In this eerie dream, a once-inanimate toilet transforms into a menacing entity, relentlessly pursuing her with a colossal tongue, forcibly dragging her back home no matter where her wanderings take her. | Episode 117 Full Episode Link –