Episodes & ShowNotes

Katie eagerly unveils a dream from her midday nap, where modern technology intertwines with surrealism. In this vivid reverie, she attempts to connect with her mother via FaceTime, only to find herself trapped in a disorienting struggle with the very device meant to facilitate communication. Paralyzed by an inexplicable inability to operate the phone, Katie […]

Cardigan Paralysis Dream

Dream Snippet

Mary unveils a dream that leaves every listener puzzled and intrigued. In a dystopian world littered with forsaken vehicles, society is starkly divided between the privileged and the destitute. For some, luxurious cars and lavish coffee treats like Starbucks offer a brief escape. Meanwhile, the less fortunate grapple with daily survival, facing the constant menace […]

Car Haves and Have Nots Dream

Dream Snippet