Episodes & ShowNotes

Jon recounts a gruesome dream where a vacation with his parents turns horrifying. Looking in the mirror, he sees his eye infected and his entire face peeling away. Despite the horrifying sight, his mom remains unconcerned and dismisses the terrifying disease as nothing serious. | Episode 140 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Eye Infection Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet

Jake contributes a vivid dream to the show, immersing himself in the nostalgia of his childhood bedroom. Attempting to relish a moment of tranquility with his cherished toy, his peaceful reverie is abruptly shattered when his father rudely barges in, disrupting the serenity of his playtime. In an unexpected surge of emotion, Jake finds himself […]

Silly Putty Dream

Dream Snippet