Episodes & ShowNotes

Noah recounts a dream where he finds himself trapped in an elevator, desperately trying to go up while all the other passengers insist on going down. Despite his efforts, the elevator plummets downward, descending too fast for his comfort, filling him with a sense of fear and helplessness. | Episode 141 Full Episode Link – […]

Crashing Elevator Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kara’s dream, she wanders through a grand mansion surrounded by friendly mascots. But when she encounters a volatile old man, the atmosphere darkens, and glitchy shadows begin to chase her. With her fluffy friends offering helpful advice, Kara races through the mansion, unraveling the dream’s mysteries as she tries to escape the looming threat. […]

Mascot Mansion Dream

Dream Snippet

Monica unravels a captivating dream brimming with intrigue and unexpected plot twists. Embarking on a hike through a foreign landscape with her ex-partner, Monica finds herself facing perilous circumstances. However, her anxiety dissipates when her childhood companions, the lovable Smurfs, come to her aid. In a remarkable turn of events, they transform her ex-partner into […]

Hiking Smurf Dream

Dream Snippet

Manda vividly describes a childhood nightmare, transporting herself back to a haunting playground scenario. In her chilling dream, the ground beneath is no longer the familiar mulch but instead is infested with slithering snakes. The eerie twist intensifies as Manda realizes that the higher she climbs on the playground set, the more these serpentine creatures […]

Playground Snakes Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet

Liz unveils a disconcerting dream on the podcast, narrating an unsettling tale featuring a colossal hornet that has taken residence in an oversized piece of fruit within her bedroom. Overwhelmed by the fear of a potential sting, Liz vividly recounts a harrowing sequence where she courageously confronts the insect, desperately attempting to outmaneuver and sting […]

Oversized Banana Dream

Dream Snippet

Jason recounts a haunting dream where malevolent children eerily encircle his bedroom. They crawl along the walls, converging towards him. Paralyzed with terror, Mike can only watch as one particularly unsettling child, contorting in uncanny ways, interrogates him, all while eerily inching towards his throat with lethal intent. | Episode 93 Full Episode Link – […]

Creepy Bedroom Kids Dream

Dream Snippet

Lucas recounts a vivid dream where he found himself on a mystical volcanic island with his classmates. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey, climbing the smoldering peak. As they neared the summit, Lucas faced an unexpected twist of fate. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Volcanic Hike Dream

Dream Snippet