Episodes & ShowNotes

An anonymous dream recounts a nightmare where the dreamer is barricaded inside a house with no cell service to call 911. Intruders relentlessly ram down the door, escalating the tension and stress for everyone who hears the harrowing tale. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Home Invasion Dream

Dream Snippet

Gracie shares a riveting dream on the show, immersing herself in the gripping narrative of an ongoing murder investigation. In her dream, she becomes entangled in the suspenseful plot as she endeavors to aid the detective by going undercover. However, the tension escalates when the shape-shifting killer becomes aware of her involvement, casting a chilling […]

Shapeshifting Killer Dream

Dream Snippet

Daryl unveils a dream on the show that elicits a momentary hush. In the dream, as he enters a hospital for a routine procedure, an unsettling twist occurs: he attempts self-harm, but his efforts falter, caught in striking detail on the watchful eyes of security footage. The aftermath leaves Daryl haunted by the weight of […]

Hospital Flesh Wound Dream

Dream Snippet

Kathy unveils a nightmarish dream on the podcast that plunges us into the depths of her unsettling experience. What begins as a delightful trip to the cafe takes a sinister turn when she senses a persistent follower. With every step she takes to escape, her pursuer matches her pace, escalating her fear. As terror sets […]

Good Samaritan Dream

Dream Snippet

Kravis captivates the audience with a thrilling narrative on the podcast, recounting a dream where he assumes the role of the hero. In this dream sequence, he and his friends embark on a daring exploration of a mysterious cave, only to discover a nightmarish reality—the cavern is infested with spiders of varying shapes and sizes, […]

Spider Cave Dream

Dream Snippet