Mia recalls a dream from an adult high school trip to an amusement park, where she unexpectedly stumbles upon a delicious secret. Excitedly sharing her find with friends, they all enjoy a pleasantly buzzed time, savoring the unexpected delight together. | Episode 137 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/
Katelyn, a first-time sharer, recounts a vivid dream where she stumbles upon illicit substances in a bustling nightclub, triggering a frantic escape from pursuing law enforcement officers by skillfully maneuvering through the chaos on grocery carts. Her adrenaline-fueled adventure takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly becomes an heiress, only to find herself ensnared as […]
Mac recounts a mentally draining dream rife with paranoia, where the ominous presence of government drones encircle his home. In a frenzied rush, he scrambles to secure windows and doors in a desperate attempt to restrict their entry. Oddly, amidst the chaos, his parents appear surprisingly nonchalant about the airborne visitors, adding a perplexing layer […]