Episodes & ShowNotes

Our dear friend “G” recounts yet another remarkable dream on the podcast, a vision he had amidst his courageous battle against cancer. In this surreal journey, he finds himself traversing a realm where half-human half majestic big cats roam. Within this fantastical landscape, “G” is enlightened about his latent superhuman abilities, and with determination coursing […]

Creation Dream

Dream Snippet

Craig describes a series of little dreams where he engages in brawls, befriends television celebrities, adopts exotic pets, and assumes the role of a superhero—though often forgetting how to harness his powers. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Tag Team Adventure with ‘The Rock’ Dream

Dream Snippet

Hana leads us on an exhilarating journey through a dream, immersing herself in a breathtaking firework display alongside her boyfriend. However, the enchantment takes an unexpected turn as paranoia creeps in, revealing their surroundings to be infiltrated by covert agents on a mission to uncover illicit substances. In a daring escape, Hana stumbles upon a […]

Weed Hiding Dream

Dream Snippet