Episodes & ShowNotes

Joshua recounts a surreal dream where the planet has been overrun by communist aliens, who impose a bizarre new order—forcing humanity to abandon all modern technology and return to an analog way of life. In this dystopian world, the aliens even indoctrinate the world’s children by making them watch old approved episodes of Doctor Who, […]

Alien Communists Dream


Noah recalls a bizarre dream where a one-dimensional, pixelated demon lady repeatedly tries to hit his car with hers. All he wanted was to be friendly and pet her cat! Instead, his innocent gesture sparks her furious attempts to damage his vehicle, leaving him both bewildered and amused by the surreal encounter. | Episode 148 […]

Pixilated Demon Dream

Dream Snippet

Katie shares a whimsical dream filled with cartoon characters, beginning with a non kid friendly version of Curious George making her a milkshake. But things take a strange turn when the milkshake turns out to be so terrible that even Krusty the Clown refuses to drink it. | Episode 144 Content Warning: Gun Violence Full […]

Horrible Tasting Milkshake Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris submits a dream for interpretation that propels him on a financial quest. It begins in an unusual cashless casino, leads him to assist a financially struggling friend, and ends with him absentmindedly searching for an ATM while forgetting to pay the bill at a restaurant. | Episode 143 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/off-the-record-effective-morning-routines/

Cashless Casino Dream

Dream Snippet

Carla shares a childhood dream where a peaceful TV-watching session turns into a chilling nightmare. Six oily devils with lewd intentions emerge from the live TV transmission, transforming the innocent moment into a terrifying ordeal. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Oily Devil Dream

Dream Snippet

Ryan recalls a dream where he strangely witnesses his own funeral, a surreal premonition that unsettles him deeply. The dream also leaves him with a haunting imperative: he must somehow disable his GPS, fearing that failing to do so could cause his dreams to manifest in reality. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

GPS Demon Dream

Dream Snippet

Tina shares a dream where she witnesses Jennifer Lopez arguing with a fellow airplane passenger. Tina intervenes and yells at JLo but, fearing Jennifer’s wrath, quickly pretends to be asleep. The tense confrontation and Tina’s reaction create a vivid and amusing scene in her dream. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

JLo’s Airplane Brawl Dream

Dream Snippet

An anonymous dream recounts a nightmare where the dreamer is barricaded inside a house with no cell service to call 911. Intruders relentlessly ram down the door, escalating the tension and stress for everyone who hears the harrowing tale. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Home Invasion Dream

Dream Snippet

Jason’s evening takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a surreal journey through the depths of his subconscious. What begins as a tranquil dinner outing with his father swiftly transmutes into a harrowing spectacle, with the sky raining down meteorites. Amidst the chaos, Jason finds himself separated from his father, forced to seek refuge […]

Dust People Armageddon Dream

Dream Snippet

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

Dan recounts a curious dream where he emerges as the victor, claiming a substantial $9,000 prize from a game. However, his skepticism toward the game operators prompts him to demand proof of his winnings, which he receives in the form of a collection of peculiar, possibly valuable artifacts. Amidst the uncertainty, Dan hopes that this […]

Claw Machine Prize Dream

Dream Snippet

Tanya recounts a troubling dream where a budding romance abruptly fizzles as her new love interest vanishes without a trace, spooked by anonymous sexting messages purportedly from Tanya’s phone. Left bewildered by the mystery of the unsent videos, she grapples with the unsettling question: if Tanya didn’t send them, then who did? | Episode 125 […]

Embarrassing Texts Dream

Dream Snippet